Upper Peninsula of Michigan

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What kind of fish are in the Upper Peninsula Michigan and Northern Wisconsin?

Our FISHING Database is a work in progress. We have started our bodies of water data at our Yooper Headquarters in IRON COUNTY. So, we have all the Iron County lakes entered into the database and good data for fish species in lakes and rivers in Iron County.
WE NEED YOUR INPUT AND Upper Peninsula of Michigan Pictures, Stories, History, and Activities. Please send any useful Pictures and Content to [email protected]
We would LOVE to get your input on the FISHING DATA, Pictures, Insight, Stories, Techniques.
ANY PHOTOS of the Fish Species we would like to add to the library.
Include Fish Type, Date Fish Caught, Body of Water Fish Caught, what bait and what type of fishing, Angler Name or Credit, Any Description and commentary is welcome.
Feel free to include any Upper Peninsula, History, Activities, Fishing Insights, Helpful information and we will try to get the information coded into the YOOPER RESOURCES.

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